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Looking for podcasts that are similar to Don't Manage Me? I have curated a list of podcasts that represent what I believe to a resurgence in storytelling with narrative podcasts. These podcasts also focus on taking the next steps from the content you've heard on Don't Manage Me.

Work Life PodcastKeep the Receipt PodcastSwindled PodcastRise and Fall of Mars Hill PodcastDarknet Diaries Podcast

Recommend Reading & Audiobooks

Don't Manage Me is all about fixing the brokenness we see in the corporate workplace, however there are certain things that we can work on individually to become leaders ourselves.

These books below serve as a library that will guide you toward removing the world of terrible bosses by learning what a leader is and what a leader is not.

Leadership as an IdentityStart with Why BookLeaders Eat Last Simon SinekThanks for the Feedback book7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleNo More Dreaded Mondays Book48 Days to the Work You LoveLinchpin by Seth GodinHow to Lead When You're Not in ChargeFirst Time ManagerQuitter book by John AcuffThe Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay StanierGlueOverlap Sean McCabePocket Full of Do by Chirs Do