People don’t quit their jobs,
they quit their bosses.

A narrative podcast that exposes
the biggest lie in Corporate America


Exit Interview

Hic dolor vero necessitatibus ad. Facere possimus commodi soluta eos et.

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Everyone needs
a manager leader

We’ve all had an encounter with a horrible boss, but why doesn’t it stop there. It seems no matter what industry you work in, there’s a chance you may run into a terrible manager, and that’s why you quit.

The only way to fix the flaws we see in corporate America is to end the rat race to the top of the corporate ladder and elevate each other.

What if, instead of pushing each other down to climb the corporate ladder, we could all ride an elevator to the top?



We're Kind of a Big Deal

“Qui dolor enim consectetur do et non ex amet culpa sint in ea non dolore. Enim minim magna anim id minim eu cillum sunt dolore aliquip. Amet elit laborum culpa irure incididunt adipisicing culpa amet officia exercitation. Eu non aute velit id velit Lorem elit anim pariatur.”
Judith Black
“Qui dolor enim consectetur do et non ex amet culpa sint in ea non dolore. Enim minim magna anim id minim eu cillum sunt dolore aliquip. Amet elit laborum culpa irure incididunt adipisicing culpa amet officia exercitation. Eu non aute velit id velit Lorem elit anim pariatur.”
Judith Black

Ditch the Ladder, take the Elevator

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